Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bird feeder

After many years of famine, the birds are finding the new feeder Mom gave me for Christmas. It took about a week for the word to spread, but this afternoon I had quite a crowd. None of these is unusual, but what a treat to sit at the dining room table and watch them eat.

So far I've recorded Carolina wrens, cardinals, house finches, tufted titmice, song sparrows (eating from the ground), juncos (ditto), black-capped chickadees, and, most elegant of all, a white-breasted nuthatch.

These titmice were visiting during a mid-afternoon lull:



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More signs

This afternoon I sprinkled Plantone here and there on the beds and found even more signs of spring. Maybe it's because we've had no snow and are promised a cold snap at the end of the week, but I am seeing spring everywhere.
Cyclamen, daffodils, tulips.
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