Monday, March 30, 2009

Darwin and gardens

On a mad, impulsive whim, I've signed up for a week-long course at Oxford (yes, THAT Oxford) on Charles Darwin at the end of July. Not only that, but the instructor also writes a garden column for the Independent and leads tours of Kew. Not only that, but she's the daughter of Pete Townshend of The Who. Curiouser and curiouser.

In my quest to find out who Emma Townshend is and what kind of gardener (she's studied the history of science and researched Darwin's correspondence with gardeners), I found this most amazing gardening article on hidden underground gardens somewhere in Wales.

Oh, and I'm adding her gardening blog to my blogroll.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The February garden

Crocus and winter aconite under the oak tree.
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Winter aconite and snowdrops under the oak tree, and the beautiful hellebore ditto.
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