Mid-July is peak time for lilies in the garden. The Aunt Betsy daylilies are still going strong in the front garden, the Oriental lilies are perfuming the air, and the old tiger lilies (left) are hanging their heads. Like fall bulbs, these lilies are so easy to grow and offer such beauty and fragrance that I think I may go mad for them and buy lots more for next year.
Oriental lilies in the front garden
Hey "Caroline"-
Maybe I should get some lily bulbs - oriental lilies, I have tons of day lilies.
Tell me which ones to get. I want some now. Maybe to plant around the terrace.
Hey "Anonymous," who is actually my sister, yes, get oriental lilies and you will be very happy. You plant them in the spring rather than the fall, so plan now. The ones Biffy gave me are the WFF Fragrant Garden collection. Some of the classics (don't think they're as fragrant) are 'Casablanca' and 'Stargazer.' Plant them next spring, and you will be glad you did!
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