Sunday, August 9, 2009

Leftovers, Part 2

Our visit to the Natural History Museum was a highlight of the week. Here is the site of the famous debate (much-debated itself) on evolution, in the Radcliffe Library, which is now closed to the public.
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But Emma arranged, by much phoning and pleading, to get us inside. Our guide, Rowan, had a rich Scottish accent and much enthusiasm. The library has since been divided into two floors, and much of the entomological collection is now housed there.


Rowan showed us a case of specimens collected by Darwin himself, with his own handwriting (notoriously terrible but he obviously tried harder here).

I can't tell you how exciting it was to see creatures Darwin himself had collected.

Here is Kumi with a copy of The Origin, which just happened to be lying around.
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The Natural History Museum is a Victorian gem which has been called a secular cathedral. Its style is all iron and glass like a railway station, thanks to designer John Ruskin. Here is Emma telling us about it before we entered.
Because of my funky camera work, you get a glimpse of her flipflops at the end.

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