Monday, August 24, 2009

A trellis

Smith & Hawken is going out of business, sadly. Yes, their things were expensive, but I got my leaf trellises from them on a good sale, and they had a small collection of things at Target. Being up in Arlington today, I went to their McLean store (no web purchases any more) and ended up buying a twining leaf arbor at 30% off.

The plan is to position this at the beginning of the cutting garden and cover it with annuals next year until I'm sure it's in the right place - then grow a climbing roses and some clematis on it.

I did resist a beautiful metal and wood potting bench, partly because it is not really designed to live outdoors - I would use this in place of the picnic table if I did anything - but the store expects to be open through early November, so maybe it will call to me again before they go under.

Buying this would be part of the upgrade of the compost area. Want, want, want - want shall be my master!

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