Planning is much more fun than planting. Planting bulbs reminds me of how much my garden needs soil amendments. Digging down even six inches is not easy when you reach hard clay almost immediately. Poor me.
Anyway, despite this whingeing, I did manage to plant most of the bulb order this weekend: 50 'Lilac Beauty' tommy crocuses under the maple tree, 5 'Claret' crocuses in the front garden, along with 3 colchicum autumnale alboplenum and 25 mixed miniature narcissus. Along the trellis that hides the compost pile went 24 mixed narcissus, 'Bahama Beach,' 'Ceylon' and 'Serola,' along with 20 muscari. That bed, being new, also got a mixture of Rappahannock Gold compost and leaf mold. 30 more muscari along the terrace by the akebia trellis in an attempt to add socks to that bed.
Also, uprooted the enormous caladium and elephant ear from the pot on the front steps, and planted a mixture of mixed perennial tulips, 'Bahama Beach' and 'Ceylon' narcissus, and purple and yellow Johnny-jump-ups. Whew.
Still lots to go: tulips, including the species, fall crocus, allium triquetrum, etc., etc. It helped that yesterday was breezy and warm in front of a half-inch of rain, and today was a real fall day, with the soil workable from the rain and a cool breeze.
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