Sunday, October 11, 2009

Putting everyone to bed

Well, not exactly, but it feels that way. Over the last two days I've cut back, repotted and cleaned up the house plants that spent the summer outside. Days are still warm, but nights have been in the forties.

Here are the windowsills filled with these plants and a few from Mom.



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One of these is a cordyline 'Red Sensation,' which did nothing for me except live all summer, which I appreciated, and which Margaret Roach says likes to spend the winter in bright light at 40 degrees. Not quite sure how I will pull that off, but I can try. Will probably cut off the heat in the other bedroom and put it in the window.

Settling all the plants inside for the season is pretty boring to read about, but extremely satisfying to do. For one thing, trimming everyone's beard and washing out the pots makes all the plants look healthy and happy. May they stay that way till spring!

Apart from that simple but time-consuming task, I'm still wishing for rain and hoping that the next time I cut the grass is the last time this season.

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