Travails in my zone 7 Virginia garden are interrupted by occasional travel postings.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Who is eating my plants??
As for the beans, here they are young and fresh and full of hope:
and here they are today, almost completely gone.
Going online is no help because everyone has a different theory. I think it must be bugs. A rabbit would hardly have eaten the beans in the cedar barrel and left the ones in the ground alone. Time to check Barbara Damrosch and see what she says.
Book Report
Margaret Roach is one of my favorite garden bloggers, so I had to track down her ten-year-old book, from which her blog gets its name. The photos are beautiful, and the text is both informative and inspiring. One of my favorite pieces is her lament that she is already 35 (at the time) and worries that she doesn't have enough years left to create the garden she wants. I think every gardener feels that way.
A few ideas I picked up from her book: golden hostas under aucuba to echo the color; try some of the following groundcovers - aruncus aethusifolius, variegated ribbon grass Phalaris arundinacea 'Picta' that can take shade, petasites japonicus with its big leaves, comfrey symphytum officinale that takes shade, and bigroot geranium G. macrorrhizum that she mentions frequently in her blog; consider planting rhubarb in the corner garden because it can take some shade; divide asters every three years; consider aster divaricatus (white wood aster) and A. macrophyllus because they are natives and can take shade.
It's a beautiful book to leaf through. Her gardens, which at the time she was cultivating only part-time, have simply gotten more beautiful over the years. Too bad it's out of print...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lost and Found
On a happier note, I've located both the Felco pruners (in the bottom of a pile of boxwood clippings headed for the shredder) and the plain old scissors (lying on the ground). But I really miss those shears...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A walk in the neighborhood
Elderberries were in bloom by the lake.
Grasses along the lake.
Mountain laurels in full bloom
Pretty little daisies along the fence line.
Favorite find: these elegant pine cones on this sprawling, butchered tree:
And three rabbits along the way. This one thought that if he didn’t look at me, I wouldn’t see him.
A Neighborhood Walk
Walking around the neighborhood ten days ago, I saw nothing extraordinary but many small gems. Here is a roadside weed that could take its place next to the tiarella in the garden. Also seen: mountain laurel, invasives both native and not, elegant pine cones, and a plethora of common creatures – rabbits, a frog, wrens, cardinals, et al.