Wednesday, May 2, 2007

All the dirt

Dianne Benson used to be in the fashion world, but when her business failed, she turned to gardening instead, and "Dirt" is the marvelous result. No matter that she had been gardening in her Zone 7 Long Island plot for only six years when she penned this comprehensive guide to gardens - she is opinionated and fearless. And of course, as a former fashionista, she does it all with style, wearing riding breeches, a big white shirt, and a fishing vest from Cabela's (and tells you exactly where to buy all the above). She's wrong about some things - loves ivy for some reason, hates the color yellow, can't abide phlox or alchemilla - but she has more good ideas than bad ones. She's wildly enthusiastic about fritillarias and lilies, and plants more trees than you would think possible on only one acre. This is out of print but well worth seeking out. Thanks to Michele Owens at Sign of the Shovel for this recommendation

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