Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter flowers

Easter is early this year, so there's not as much in bloom as there was last year.
The pot on the front steps has been very satisfying so far. According to my notes, the following varieties are in bloom: Narcissus 'Carlton,' 'Flower Record,' 'Carbineer' and 'Barret Browning' plus blue and white pansies. Tulips 'Queen of the Night' and 'Temple of Beauty' are still to come.

I can take no credit for the hens and chickens or whatever sedums these are. I bought them from Kmart/Martha Stewart, planted them in this bowl, and left them on the front steps for a couple years. They are particularly elegant at this time of year, with crisp margins to each leaf and deep colors.

The snowdrops I divided last year have come up again, in a much more manageable bunch.

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The first tulip of the year has emerged, a fringed Symphony variety. I love these and the Rembrandts, oh, and the lily-flowered, and in fact any and all varieties. I am a tulip slut.

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I'm a little worried about the Akebia ('Shirobana' or 'Silver Bells'). The good news is that it seems healthy, and the first flowers are in bud. The other news is that it is not climbing the trellis in a dutiful way, rather reaching out desperately towards the terrace in search of more light. I'm afraid to train it onto the trellis until the Ellinger people come (if they ever do) to rebuild the trellis, so in the meantime it just yearns.

I don't deserve to have this 'Shasta' viburnum alive, since I never did plant it last fall. My excuse is that it was sort of an impulse buy when the viburnum I wanted was not in stock at Merrifield. Clearly, it is sturdy and can take the part shade of the terrace. When I get back from Minneapolis, I may even plant it, probably along the back fence line. I love its leathery, textured leaves, especially when they are young and small. They almost look edible...

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