Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bulb Order 2007, part two

After picking up some daffodils and paper whites at Roxbury Mills this morning, I am declaring myself officially done for the season. Now comes my least favorite part, planting the blessed things, especially in the concrete that passes for soil in the drought-stricken garden.

From McClure & Zimmerman:

    Aurelian trumpet lily blend (for one more dollar I got a dozen instead of six!)
    Mixed lily-flowered tulips
    'Temple of Beauty' tulips
    Mixed Modern Rembrandt tulips

From White Flower Farm:

    Ipheion Constellation of Blue Stars
    Fringed Rhapsody tulips
    Lycoris Squamigera
    Hemerocallis 'Strawberry candy' (Where did I think this was going??)

From Brent and Becky's Bulbs:

    Allium triquetrum
    Narcissus 'Ziva' (Whoops - forgot I had ordered these, I will have an abundance of paper whites this winter)

The first two orders are here, so time to get to work.

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