Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why I didn't do this myself

(As if anyone who knew me thought I could...)

Let me count the many reasons, having to do with skill, ability, strength, persistence...
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The carpenter constructing the trellis and the gate.

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Four tons of stone dust gets delivered to the driveway.

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Ryan, the great crew leader, jackhammering up the concrete pad.
Ryan and one of the two guys taking a pickaxe to the hard clay so they could level the ground. Notice the string placed in some way I don't understand to help them maintain the right depth.

Wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of stone is hauled from the driveway to the back yard, then chipped or sawed into shape before being placed exactly so. Then, in some way I never saw, they put stone dust between each stone and covered that with a layer of polymerized sand, which is supposed to help suppress weeds (let's hope).

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